About The Sideline Angle

The Sideline Angle is a site focused entirely on real sports opinions, discussion, and analysis. In addition to writing our thoughts on the blog, we'll also be doing a weekly podcast. Any topic that falls under the sports umbrella is fair game, but we're not going to sugarcoat anything, it all comes straight from the mind of the fans.

This site is not focused on recaps of events we've all already heard a thousand times on SportsCenter. Don't expect to see posts with a boxscore and a recap of the action. We may post about the games in some capacity, but we'll try to take a fresh perspective with a heavy dose of our opinions mixed in. Obviously, if there's major sports news, you can expect to find it on here, but again, we'll always try to give you something you haven't heard or read before.

We're always looking for new ways to interact with our readers, whether it be through polls, live blogging, podcasting, or some other method. But this site is only as good as the feedback we receive. If you have an opinion, whether you agree or disagree with us, feel free to share it. Our opinions may be controversial and may even lead to a debate, but that's why we started The Sideline Angle in the first place.

If you want to reach out to us with a suggestion or to let us know what we can improve on, check out the Contact Us page.

Thanks for the support,

The Sideline Angle team

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