Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Matter of Trust

In news that came as a shock to many, Chip Kelly was hired to be the head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles earlier today. Kelly, the same guy who was courted by several NFL teams when the regular season ended, before finally deciding to return to Oregon just last week.

Now apparently, he's had a change of heart.

Or maybe he was worried about potential sanctions against the Oregon program.

Either way, Chip Kelly isn't the real story. It's about the kids. Kelly is just the next in a long line of college coaches who have left their student-athletes high and dry. Whether it be hightailing it for a more prestigious college job, or jumping to the NFL, it's an immoral move that college coaches make way too often. With no penalty.

But who does get penalized? The student-athletes. Some of whom made the biggest decision of their life to attend school at a certain university based on the head football coach. As we often see with coaches in this situation, Kelly was out recruiting only a few days before he took another job, most likely making promises that he knew he wouldn't keep. But he's let off the hook. Meanwhile, if the kids who signed up to play for him at Oregon decide to leave the school, they have to pay the price and sit out a year.

How does this make any sense?

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